Sunday, July 9, 2017

As My Sister Would Say, "We Are One"

I recently read an article about predictions that the economic effects of climate change will be devastatingly severe here in the south. (The article is here: ) As I read comments to the article, I was utterly shocked at the vitriol displayed by people as they declared that it would be "karma" and that the people of the south "deserve" whatever climate change-related suffering occurs--financial or otherwise--because "they voted for climate change" (aka they voted for Trump).
Now, clearly, I strongly dislike Trump. I loathe his world view, his thoughts, and his actions. I remain disappointed and disheartened by the widespread embracing of his lowest common denominator-type policies and/or behavior. However, the comments about "karma" and people "deserving" what happens are equally disappointing and disheartening. I may vehemently disagree with Trump supporters and what they stand for, but I don't wish them ill. 

Shortly after reading that, I made the mistake of viewing the latest NRA recruitment video. (I refuse to share the link because it is truly, utterly despicable.) It's total propagating of the dangerous "Us vs Them" mentality. It's dripping in talk about how us "liberals" are using education and the media for diabolical purposes that require the non-liberals to all own guns. My head is spinning. As usual, the NRA is fanning the flames and further pitting Americans against each other. And people buy into this manipulative, utterly divisive bullshit...?

Where is our compassion?
Where is our humanity?

We are all human beings. We are all in this together. We. Are. One.

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