Friday, February 3, 2017

This. Is. Not. Normal.

I am devastated for our nation. I have been since the wee hours of November 9, 2016.
How could so many people--many of who are generally kind, loving, helpful, some Christian, thoughtful people--have voted for the most unabashedly cruel and bigoted politician of our modern age? It's almost three months later, and I still have no answers to that question. My devastation has not been quelled by the events of those three months, either.

From all evidence, Donald Trump is a spoiled, mean-spirited, narcissistic, thoughtless, woefully selfish juvenile trapped in an adult-sized body. By his words and actions, his "religion" seems to be Trumpism, and his brethren is only those who are just like him. Or those who just say yes to everything he wants--I suppose that works for him, too. Such a personality may work fine for the business world, but now his "business" is matters of world importance. Again, by all his words and actions, he is ill-equipped to run our country. (And don't even get me started on his still-remaining ties to his actual business....urghhhhhhhh. A truly for-profit presidency.)

None of this feels...well,...regular, acceptable, normal. I loathe the word "normal". I absolutely despise its very labeling, alienating, us vs. you nature. But, I find myself using it to describe Trump's actions before and after his inauguration: This. Is. Not. Normal.
He is sooooooooooooooooooooo far outside the borders of the realm of anything that is reasonable and justifiable that using the word "normal" in that phrase becomes a more succinct way to express this.

So, at the suggestion of a friend, here is this blog, dedicated solely to thinking, discussing, and commenting about our new reality: living in a trumped-up America. In just three months, our nation has become more and more the Land of the Payers and Players. I fear what it will look like at the end of the remaining 47.5-ish months. Let's live through it together.

Let It Be

I started this post back in November, as I was lamenting about how lax I have been in posting on this blog. Hello, February.

My hiatus was definitely not for a lack of thinking about life and stuff. Alas, house hunting, packing, closing on a house (which was a nightmare and almost didn't happen), moving into said house, unpacking, looking for part-time writing work, fall revelry, Halloweeny activities, election trauma, Thanksgiving preparations, packing all the fall revelry away, working part-time, decorating for the December holidays, celebrating the various December holidays, losing our beloved Granny, traveling for a memorial service, inauguration trauma, and then traveling to visit more family have all kept me off the ol' blog (in addition to the usual household, homeschooling, family, mom, and wife stuff). So, as far as this blog, I had to just let it be for a while. It's been a whirlwind. More and more, life is a whirlwind. But I now return to typing my humble thoughts on the keyboard to share. You know, with all two of you who read this blog.

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