Thursday, August 25, 2016

My Bucket List...

This summer has been one of some changes for my family, with more changes on the horizon. This got me thinking about things I hope to do with the life I have left. Sort of like in the movie "The Bucket List".... but hopefully with more time allotted to me than those guys had. *fingers crossed*
My list, in no particular order (save that first one)--to be amended as needed...

-raise our kids to be the truest, kindest, most confident, most well-rounded, most outside-the-box-thinking, most grounded, happiest versions of themselves
-learn to grow our own fruit and veggies
-become fluent in at least one other language
-participate in a "Thriller" flashmob
-live a consistently healthier lifestyle
-write a children's book
-have love and peace be so much a part of me that my thoughts, words, and actions genuinely and consistently come from that core
-learn to knit and sew
-go parasailing
-learn to be virtually impervious to negativity
-become a philanthropist
-visit Paris

Admittedly, there's nothing particularly mind-blowing there. But it represents what I hope to do in my little corner of the universe.


  1. Actually I love your list.
    Are you working on that second language thing?

  2. Thank you, dear friend! I am--learning Spanish with Rosetta Stone and DuoLingo. :)


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