Friday, June 23, 2017

Is This What Your Jesus Would Do?

This Senate & House Republican healthcare "overhaul" bills. This monstrous proposals that will cost millions their healthcare and millions more the level of healthcare that helps prevent catastrophe. This greedy bill that would constitute one of the largest transfers of wealth in recent memory. And that wealth wouldn't be coming towards you and I, as our healthcare costs go up (as if they're not high enough already) and protections for out-of-pocket caps and pre-existing conditions go right out the window.  Nope. That transfer of wealth will go right into the already-heavy pockets of Congress and their wealthy, corporate cronies. You know, the folks that need the least amount of financial help on the planet. (Although they are in dire need of help in the compassion department.)

The Republican Party--as it is now represented in Congress--can no longer be allowed to call themselves the party of "family values". Really? Someone who values family wouldn't gut the healthcare options of those who are less fortunate than themselves. And I certainly no longer accept this idea that they are the party of "Christian values". Seriously, Christian people-- is that what your Jesus would do? Jesus would basically send a big "f--k you" to those in poverty, the working poor, and the middle class?  These are people who literally live paycheck to paycheck. And for many, those paychecks they work so hard for don't cover expenses. They have little to no savings or cushion. No safety net. In another life, I went to many years of Catechism classes and in none of what I heard or read or debated in those classes was there any reference to The Big J hoisting a middle finger to the masses.

No Republicans. Don't preach to me about "Christian values" or "family values". To follow the banner carried by Trump and McConnell and Ryan and the rest of them is to embrace an attitude of "Mine! Mine!" It's to forgo genuinely caring about and acting in the best interest of all families. It flies in the face of what Jesus purportedly taught. It's embracing the worship of the Almighty Dollar.

No, your sandal clad, tunic-wearing, poor carpenter from Nazareth would not hold with these values.

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